Taxi Brousse Tops

Since many people don’t have cars Taxi Brousses are the main way to move about the country. They are also helpful because they will transport not only you and your luggage, but any larger items you may want. What can you take with you? Well the short answer is just about anything. Here is an incomplete list of everything I’ve seen strapped to the top of a brousse.

  1. Bed frame
  2. Mattress
  3. Table
  4. Wooden chairs
  5. Leather sofa
  6. Plastic chairs
  7. Goats
  8. Pigs
  9. People (not common)
  10. Shoes
  11. Rice
  12. Bananas
  13. Really any food
  14. Clothes
  15. Luggage
  16. Canoes
  17. Motorcycles
  18. Bikes
  19. Tires
  20. Sheet metal
  21. Water Barrels
  22. Baskets full of chickens

Smaller things can go into the brousse with you. I’ve sat next to someone carrying a basket full of crabs and have had chickens and ducks biting at my feet.

An example of a brousse. This wouldn’t be considered a very packed brousse

One thought on “Taxi Brousse Tops

  1. I enjoy your postings and Facebook pictures so much. Hope you are still enjoying your adventure. Did you ever get the second package I sent? I have some soup mixes to send but wanted to know if you got the last one.
    Lots of love, Aunt Helen


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